Comics :: Cover of the Day - August 3, 2009

I won't be doing these every day or anything, but for the sake of getting some content up sometimes I'll just post a cover or page that I really enjoy. Today is a cover that I really enjoy from Geoff Johns' run on The Flash.

This was a "modern story" with a cover that just feels nice and old school. That "here comes a wacky story that we'll explain on the cover" thing is really sweet compared to just a portrait of the hero on the cover or whatever.

It was just in recent times that I got into DC characters beyond just Batman & Superman. Green Lantern has developed into one of my favorite characters ever and I decided I needed to give some of the more modern runs of Flash a try. Something about Flash just always felt lame to me because his rogue gallery was dorks like Captain Cold. However, I have since learned that Captain Cold will freeze and punch your goddamn jaw off: