Video Games :: Final Fantasy XIV Trailer / News

So sure, Final Fantasy XIII has yet to see the light of day and won't in the states until the first quarter of 2010, but that's no reason we shouldn't all start salivating over the next item in line for Square's epic RPG franchise. Rest assured I'll be no where to be seen for months after the release of Final Fantasy XIV, the hundred-and-twenty-ith-or-so FF release to date and the series' next take on the MMORPG format, this time doing away with Sony's horrendous PlayOnline system.

Developers say to have been greatly inspired by the layout and features of World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, and Warhammer Online this time around and have taken many player-based suggestions into account for their second trip up to the plate in the world of MMO gameplay. The announced formats thus far are Windows and Playstation 3, so, tough shit and get out of Sony's house for Xbox players once again despite early word that Xbox 360 would be included.

Regardless of what's said about the upcoming Aion MMO, I've maintained for years that if any company can compete with Blizzards ability to give their subscribers severe social anxiety disorder, it's Square. And, if they're attempting to take on the WoW gameplay model, it's not outside of the realm of possibility that we could finally see a dethroning of Warcraft in the states.

Here's hoping.
Go get 'em boys! Kupo!